Want to write for Travis Media?

I'm always looking for incredible articles about your coding journey to share on Travis.Media.

Whether you are an aspiring web developer or a seasoned developer, if you want to reach a thriving community through my site and social media channels, then you are welcome to guest post on Travis Media.

I accept articles on anything web development, WordPress, freelancing, and life hacks of developers. Also, and maybe even more so, I would love to share your story of how you came into web development, how you landed that job, or any part of your journey that would encourage up and coming developers.

Now there are a few guest posting rules:

  • Don't make the post extra spammy. You are welcome to share or promote something you are working on but don't link to it 100 times in the article.
  • Your guest post must be 100% original.
  • Your guest post should be at least 700 words and well-written. Be sure to proofread and don't be afraid to give it your own flavor.
  • Once it's published I will share it to my social media channels. Please do the same.
  • Respond to comments on your post. This is a great opportunity to get personal with those interacting with your post and to reach readers. So check in regularly to respond.
  • I do require that you have a website of your own and one that has been updated fairly recently. I want my readers to benefit from what you have to say as well and be able to point them to your own site.

This is a great way for you to expand your reach and a great way for my own readers to have some diversity of content.

Want to guest post? Contact me at [email protected] and let's get you on.