40 Lessons About Life From a 40-Year-Old Developer
In step with turning 43 this year, I've decided to share 40 Lessons about Life that I've learned as a 40-year-old developer.
In step with turning 43 this year, I've decided to share 40 Lessons about Life that I've learned as a 40-year-old developer.
After 30, life takes on a new seriousness not realized in your 20's. A winning morning routine can make the overall difference between someone who continually progresses in life and someone who remains stagnant. In this post, I want to discuss its importance as well as some practical steps to creating your very own winning morning routine.
Discover 5 effective exercise plans for coders and programmers. Boost your physical health to enhance mental performance and coding success.
We all know it isn’t healthy to sit staring at a computer 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. In addition, many of us do this without taking breaks, exercising, eating regularly, or getting out of the “blue lights” and into the sun. Well here are 5 simple changes you can make in your daily routine that will have a big impact on your health and productivity.