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Ultimate Maps: An Open Source, Free Alternative to Google Maps

In June of 2018, Google Maps became a “pay-as-you-go” platform. Depending on your purpose and usage, this may not be a beneficial investment for your business. In this post, I’ll show you a solid, free alternative to Google Maps. I see it at least weekly as I’m browsing the web: Websites with Google Map widgets […]

How to List Out All Post Tags Alphabetized and Indexed

I recently was asked by a client to list out all post tags on a page, alphabetized and indexed. Her posts tags were ingredients to her recipes and would allow for an alternative way to search her site. Here’s how it looks and the code to go along with it. Imagine you had a Recipe […]

Paypal Button Variables: How to Send and Receive Data

Creating a Paypal button is pretty standard, but what if you want to send and receive Paypal button variables with it? Here are a few simple examples of how to do so using Paypal’s Payment Data Transfer feature. I recently worked on a project where we needed to send and receive Paypal button variables. Basically […]

Display Ninja Forms Submissions On Page By Form Id

We can display Ninja Forms submissions on a page with its own native code, without WP post_meta calls or writing SQL queries. Also, Ninja Forms has a nice Field Key field where we can label what we want our keys to be so that we can target only the specific data we need. Here’s how. […]

How to Run the Lighthouse Chrome Extension in Incognito Window

To be sure you’re getting accurate results when using the Lighthouse Chrome extension to audit your webpage, you’ll need to run it in Incognito Mode. Why? Because the results are (often extremely) skewed by the other “active” extension used in the browser. In this article, I’ll show you how to run it in the Incognito […]

How to Easily Secure Your wp-config File

There are a number of ways to add better security to your WordPress site. Moving your wp-config PHP file out of the install is a great place to start. In this article, I’ll show you two ways to do it. Your wp-config.php file stores valuable information such as the location, username, and password of your […]

How to Create Sticky Sidebar Ads in WordPress (No Plugin Needed)

Sticky sidebar ads can be effective in WordPress, especially in long posts that leave much of the sidebar area empty. In this article, we’ll use a little JavaScript to create this functionality without the need for a plugin. I went through a phase last year where I ditched my sidebar. I liked the minimalist look […]

Crayon Syntax Highlighter Abandoned. Here are 3 Solid Gutenberg-Ready Alternatives

After 3 years without an update, the Crayon Syntax Highlighter for WordPress is no longer a reliable source. Here are 3 solid Gutenberg-friendly alternatives you should try. Now don’t get me wrong, Crayon Syntax Highlighter still works. In fact, at the time of this post, I am still using it on my own site. If […]

What is an API? A helpful analogy and a few examples

What is an API? Sometimes it can be hard to explain or even to understand the concept well. In this post, I want to share a very helpful analogy that I came across to help clear up the concept for you. Let’s face it: Some of us developers have no clue how to really answer […]

10 VS Code Extensions that will boost your productivity

In my last post I gave 10 VS Code shortcuts that you need to memorize to boost your coding productivity. Be sure to take the time to learn them. In this post, I want to mimic that, but instead, provide the 10 extensions that will boost your productivity. Extensions are a huge part of VS […]