· Travis Rodgers · Programming  · 4 min read

How To Make CSS Changes Without Any Coding Knowledge

We all know the scenario too well:

Client: I need a couple of basic CSS changes made to my website

Developer: Sure what do you need.

Client: I need the homepage button to be yellow and the font of the blog title a little bigger.

Developer: Okay, done.

Client: Well it's not quite dark enough. Make the yellow darker.

Developer: Okay, done.

Client: Hmm…it's still not quite dark enough. Make it a little darker. Also, the font is still too small, could you bump it up a little?

Developer: Okay, done.

Client: Now that I think about it, let's make the button red instead of yellow….

And on and on for 30+ emails, each time having you log in and make further adjustments.

Perhaps you have wondered, "I wish they could tell me the EXACT color they want or the EXACT font size from the outset.

Well, they can.

And if you are the client, you can too!

I am going to show you how to make basic CSS changes without any coding knowledge OR at least make them temporarily in the browser so that you can convey specific requests to your developer saving them time, and you money.

Make CSS Changes Without Any Coding Knowledge: Three Options

You have three options in order to make CSS changes without any coding knowledge.

We'll look at them in detail in the following video, or a brief overview in the text below.

The detailed video
The written summary

1. Utilize Page Builders

Page builders are wonderful tools for those without any coding knowledge. In fact, if you are a developer you will do well learning to use these also as they will become more prevalent as time goes on.

The one I use on some pages of my site, and the one I favor the most, is Elementor.

It is still fairly new, but has gained a large following, is reliable and fast, and has a bunch of drag and drop options.

It is free for basic usage, but there is a Pro add-on with so many great options. It runs about $50 and is worth every penny.

There is also its older and more established rival, Beaver Builder, which is a great option as well.

2. Chrome Developer Tools

This is a great option for you to play around with the styles of your site to determine exactly what it is you want to change. This allows you to either tell your developer the exact color or size of the text you want to change, or it will provide you with the line number of your CSS file for you to make a more permanent change in the stylesheet.

I use this every day in my work, determining which elements to target or CSS rule to alter, and it will do you well to learn.

See the video for the demonstration.

3. Finally, you can take time and learn HTML and CSS

Why not. If you are serious about your website, why not take a month or two and learn it.

In fact, within one month you can have the ability to do 90% of any style changes to your own site with confidence.

Check out my Learn To Code Blueprint and see my recommendations broken down by week with links to each course that I would recommend. With a Lynda.com 30-day trial, you can learn to do this for free.


You are absolutely able to make simple CSS changes without any coding knowledge. You are also absolutely able to provide your developer with the exact changes you want to make by inspecting the site yourself. AND, you are able to learn this stuff yourself in a short amount of time.

Be sure to check the video for examples of each and instruction on how to do this yourself.

Do you struggle with CSS or making style changes on your site? Have you tried the developer tools or learning to code yourself?


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