The ‘How’ Of This Pursuit

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  • 1 minute read

The Game Plan

The final question to kick of this journey is: How can I do this with all of my current demands to include being a diligent husband, father of four, being a faithful and industrious employee, friends, church, etc. How can I fit in the required 20 hours a week or 3-4 hours a day. Well here is the plan:

  • I am a morning person anyway. I report to work at 6 a.m. so I am up usually at 4:30 to get in a “quiet time/devotional” before work. Plan: I will get up at 4 to fit this in. This will be for 30 minutes or so. The remaining +/- hour will be this school work (1 hour).
  • I get off work at 2:30 and will spend from 2:30 to 4:30 completing this work (2 hours).
  • I stay up later on Friday nights and I normally have Saturdays free: This will provide time to catch up and complete the required weekly checkpoints.

All of this is, of course subject, to change. Will see how it goes!


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