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👨‍💻 Programming

How to Use Subcommands in Cobra | A Go Cobra Tutorial

Cobra is a powerful command line package for Golang. In this Cobra tutorial we’ll look at how to use commands and subcommands as we build out a CLI called remindercli. Quick Nav Project overview Project Setup How to use Subcommands in Cobra? Let’s finish our Cobra CLI Alert when running without a subcommand Adding required […]

Speed Up Loading of Embedded Videos (not Lazy Loading)

With “lite” embeds you can load your YouTube or Vimeo embedded videos up to 224x faster. This not only increases page speed, but makes your website much more enjoyable. Embedded videos hurt your page speed and ranking. This is a fact. And most search results tell you to lazy load your videos which is, of […]

Why I Switched From Ghost CMS to Hugo

I just transitioned my blog from Ghost CMS over to Hugo, an open-source static site generator. In this article, I’ll explain why (especially in light of moving to Ghost just a year ago). Quick Nav Why move away from Ghost? Static Sites Benefits Headless Ghost? How It Really Happened (why Hugo?) Digital Ocean App Platform […]

How To Safely Update WordPress Plugins When There’s No Staging Site

A client asks you to update all their plugins, but there’s no staging site to work to assure nothing breaks. How do you properly update their plugins in a safe manner? Years ago I did some contract for an agency out of Colorado. One of their managers asked me one day to update all the […]

How to Stay Excited and Fulfilled as a Software Developer Long Term

How can developers keep from getting burnout? How we can keep from getting overly stressed or bored of the work we do and even align our dev careers with our life goals?! In this video, I’ll discuss the three phases of EVERY software developer’s career and how to navigate the highs and lows in each. […]

How to Upgrade Git on RHEL7 and CentOS7

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL7) comes with git 1.8. And git 1.8 is old and unusable in most situations. So how you do upgrade it. Well, with this script of course. Create a file: And add the following to it: The run it to upgrade: And that’s a wrap.

Learning to Code is Easy: Here’s Why Many Fail

Learning to code is EASY! But there are many who fail. How can these two both be true? Well, I believe that learning to code is easy, and by learning to code I mean learning enough to start applying for jobs. If you can follow just three steps in learning to code, and adamantly avoid […]

Learn Docker in One Hour: From Docker Desktop to Deployment

A year ago I tried to learn Docker but just wasn’t ready for it. The tutorials I tried to follow were too comprehensive and “theory-based.” A year later I looked back and decided I would make a tutorial that would have been much more beneficial for me then. In this video, we’ll take a fun […]

Manage Docker Easily With VS Code

I manage Docker tasks almost exclusively using VS Code. I can visualize my Docker images, containers, etc., and can run all commands, “one-click,” with it. Here’s how. For most Docker newbies, we have to look up commands a lot. Docker build, Docker run, Docker exec, Docker inspect, etc. We also have to do most things […]

When Everyone Seems Smarter Than You – Junior Developers

Junior developer, do you ever feel like everyone in the room seems smarter than you? Other developers are breezing through the day while you’re sweating bullets? Let’s discuss. I’m thankful that the 2020 software world is gladly hiring self-taught programmers. Computer science degrees, while nice, are no longer required to get into the software industry as the […]